First hacks after debacles like the American Health Care Act
(AHCA) failure are usually raw and full of emotion. This is no exception. The
bill was doomed from inception, and everything the Deplorables hated. Before we
discuss any putrid details of the AHCA let’s look at some core elements of why
it failed. For years during any of the campaigns of any given GOP politician a
loud and raucous applause line was the “Full Repeal of ObamaCare!” Let’s take a
quick stroll over to
1. to revoke or withdraw formally or officially: to repeal a
2. to revoke or annul (a law, tax, duty, etc.) by express
legislative enactment; abrogate.
That ladies and gentlemen did not happen. We were forced to
watch the GOPe led by Paul Ryan conduct themselves exactly like the Democrats
they excoriated for doing the same. They talked and campaigned conservative and
put up a Progressive bill. Repeal means repeal and this was not that.
Does this
official text look like what the Speaker said in December of 2015 ?
(a) In
General.—Subsection (b) of section 4002 of the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C. 300u–11), as amended by section 5009 of the 21st
Century Cures Act, is amended—
Oh, here is what Speaker Ryan said in 2015 repeated by a
hundred other rock ribbed republicans from the mountain tops: “There are many
things to do, but most urgent is to repeal and replace ObamaCare,” Ryan said.
“We think this problem is so urgent that, next year, we are going to unveil a
plan to replace every word of
We were lied to once again.
Why this political party feels the need to get involved in
1/6th of the US economy is beyond me unless they are worse than even
I think. Thank God for the Freedom Caucus. The biggest heartbreak for me is
that the President got behind this soup sandwich.
ObamaCare is now back in force and on course for total
collapse. The question now is can Ryan and the old guard find it within
themselves to be honest and start over with a simple repeal and return (to
sanity and free markets). If they do not the bottom will fall out and the Leftist
hordes will scream for single payer health care at the top of their lungs and
every network, movie, TV show and sporting event will echo this socialist
dream. Then again, that’s what they always wanted. Who will be the next Speaker
of the House after this disaster for the dumb party ?
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