Moderate republican PAC
vows to crush Tea Party
The Republican super PAC, Main Street Republican Partnership has
committed itself to crushing tea party candidates in the 2014 congressional
primaries. This super PAC is getting most of its funding from an unlikely
partner, labor unions. Even more shocking, this group has a history of accepted
donations from none other than George Soros. Main Street Partnership’s chief
operating and financial officer is Sarah Chamberlain Resnick. She also serves
on the partnership’s board of directors and previously served as an officer of
the soft-money-raising Main Street Individual Fund. The MSIF is yet another
spinoff group that received $50,000 from progressive billionaire George Soros
in 2002, soon after it was created. Soros also dangled a “seven-figure
contribution” in front of the Main Street Partnership, but Resnick said the
group declined that one. The MSIF accepted a separate $50,000 Soros donation
during the 2004 election cycle. It was mysteriously returned in November 2005
after it was called attention to.
The super PAC was founded by former GOP Rep. Steve LaTourettte, owner of
McDonald Hopkins Government Strategies, lobbying group.
“Hopefully we’ll go into eight
to 10 races and beat the snot out of them,” LaTourette said.
His PAC has already committed itself to defending Republican Idaho Rep.
Mike Simpson from tea party opponent Bryan Smith, who is backed by the
conservative Club for Growth due to Simpson’s support for the Wall Street
bailout. Defending Main Street also aims to defend incumbent House Republicans
Aaron Schock and Adam Kinzinger and West Virginia Senate candidate Shelley
Moore Capito.
The PAC hopes to raise $8 million this election cycle to wage war with
the tea party. So far, the PAC has raised only $845,000, and most of it came
from labor unions, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) receipts.
The PAC picked up only seven donors in late 2013 and five of them were
unions or union-affiliated PAC’s.
The Laborers’ Political League Education Fund donated $100,000 to
Defending Main Street.
The International Union of Operating Engineers gave $250,000.
The Laborers’ International Union of North America gave $150,000.
Working for Working Americans-Federal gave $250,000.
The Marine Engineers Beneficial Association Political Action Fund chipped
in $15,000.
Only two non-union interests made donations: the Chicakasaw Nation gave
$50,000 and David Bonderman of Fort Worth, Texas gave $30,000.
That means unions gave $765,000 of the PAC’s $845,000 cash on hand —
more than 90 percent.
Mr. LaTourette is a big fan of
labor unions, and their money. Steve claims 40% of union members are
republican, but LaTourette seems to ignore the fact that labor members have no
say when it comes to the campaigns their dues support. But what does steve
care, he and his group are getting a piece of the pie. LaTourette’s war on the
tea party should be raising more eyebrows.
“They have decided to
systemically go against center-right Republicans in primary elections,”
LaTourette said of his tea party rivals, saying that tea partiers are happy to
call him a “RINO” but that that they go “apopletic” when the “RINO gets a gun” and
“fires back.”
“Here’s the deal: we didn’t
start this fight,” LaTourette said, “but I’m going to finish it.”
It seems LaTourette has no understanding of the tea party at all. The
tea party is made up of individuals, free thinkers who want less government and
lower taxes. Tea party people aren’t here to wage war on moderate GOP or
Democrats, to them its all about the Constitution.
So Mr. Tourette, if its snot you want, snot you shall have. It’s time to
shed some light on Steve LaTourette and his band of follies. Let Steve and his
PAC’s members know what you think of them and their attacks on patriotic
Mainstreet Republican Partnership
Board of Directors:
former Congress-man Amo Houghton (R-New York).
Former US Representative Steven C. LaTourette (@LaTourette) is the
President and CEO of the Republican Main Street Partnership. LaTourette served
nine terms in the United States House of Representatives representing Northeast
Ohio’s 14th Congressional District.
Sarah Chamberlain serves as the Chief Operating Officer and Chief
Financial Officer.
Board members
Former US Representative Dave Hobson.
Tim Regan
RMSP Members:
Senator John McCain – Arizona
Congressman Paul Cook – California dist 8 @RepPaulCook
Congressman Jeff Denham – California dist 10 @RepJeffDenham
Congressman David Valadao – California dist 21 @RepDavidValadao
Congressman Ken Calvert – California dist 42 @KenCalvert
Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart – Florida dist 25 @MarioDB
Congressman Mike Simpson – Idaho dist 2
Senator Mark Kirk – Illinois
Congressman Rodney Davis – Illinois dist 13 @RodneyDavis
Congressman Adam Kinzinger – Illinois dist 16 @RepKinzinger
Congressman Aaron Schock – Illinois dist 18 @aaronschock
Congresswoman Susan Brooks – Indiana dist 5 @SusanWBrooks
Congressman Larry Bucshon – Indiana dist 8 @RepLarryBucshon
Congressman Todd Young – Indiana dist 9
Congressman Tom Latham – Iowa dist 3
Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins – Kansas dist 2 @RepLynnJenkins
Congressman Ed Whitfield – Kentucky dist 1 @RepEdWhitfield
Senator Susan Collins -Maine
Congressman Dave Camp – Michigan dist 4
Congressman Fred Upton – Michigan dist 6 @RepFredUpton
Congressman Erik Paulsen – Minnesota dist 3 @RepErikPaulsen
Congressman Jeff Fortenberry – Nebraska dist 1 @JeffFortenberry
Congressman Lee Terry – Nebraska dist 2
Congressman Frank LoBiondo – New Jersey dist 2 @RepLoBiondoKingNY
Congressman Jon Runyan – New Jersey dist 3 @RepJonRunyan
Congressman Leonard Lance – New Jersey dist 7 @RepLanceNJ7
Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen -NewJersey dist11@USRepRodney
Congressman Peter King – New York dist 2
Congressman Chris Gibson – New York dist 9 @RepChrisGibson
Congressman Michael Grimm – New York dist 11 @repmichaelgrimm
Congressman Richard Hanna – New York dist 22 @RepRichardHanna
Congressman Tom W. Reed – New York dist 23 @RepTomReed
Congressman Chris Collins – New York dist 27 @RepChrisCollins
Congressman Bill Johnson – Ohio dist 6
Congressman Michael Turner – Ohio dist 10 @RepMikeTurner
Congressman Pat Tiberi – Ohio dist 12
Congressman David Joyce – Ohio dist 14
Congressman Steve Stivers – Ohio dist 15
Congressman Jim Renacci – Ohio dist 16
Congressman Greg Walden – Oregon dist 2 @repgregwalden
Congressman Mike Kelly – Pennsylvania dist 3 @MikeKellyPA
Congressman Jim Gerlach – Pennsylvania dist 6 @JimGerlach
Congressman Pat Meehan – Pennsylvania dist 7 @RepMeehan
Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick – Pennsylvania dist 8 @RepFitzpatrick
Congressman Charlie Dent – Pennsylvania dist 15 @DentforCongress
Congressman Timothy Murphy – Pennyslvania dist 18 @RepTimMurphy
Congressman Scott Rigell – Virginia dist 2 @RepScottRigell
Congressman Frank Wolf – Virginia dist 10 @RepWOLFPress
Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler – Washington dist 3 @HerreraBeutler
Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers – Washington dist 5 @cathymcmorris
Congressman David Reichert – Washington dist 8 @davereichert
Congressman David McKinley – West Virginia dist 1 @RepMcKinley
Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito – West Virginia dist 2 @RepShelley
Congressman Sean Duffy – Wisconsin dist 7 @RepSeanDuffy
LaTourette and his flock of RINOs needs to hear from you. Ask your
senators and congressmen if they support Steve’s statements.
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