Friday, January 24, 2014

Is the Constitution on life support?

After sitting back and allowing the dust to settle in the Duck Dynasty vs gay individuals, I think it’s time for me to try and straighten out my thoughts on the matter. Why is it that a person offers a personal opinion on a question posed by a magazine (that knew the answer to said question going in), and the world has a melt down. At no time during the interview did Phil Roberson, did he advocate violence or hate toward homosexuals. (or anyone else for that matter) but the media lit up making Phil out to be a hateful homophobe. This is one of the things that I don;t understand. The media will defend any muslim country that has not only mentioned killing homosexuals but advocated stoning and hanging them. Where is the liberal media now? While it is cool to attack an American  with an opinion, it is sad. The constitution affords you the right to speak your mind.

It has gotten to the point in this country that you can have an opinion, as long as it is the same as everyone else’s. That is the part that bothers me. Many years ago I took an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. This latest debacle that is facing Phil Robertson is one of the most heinous direct attacks I have seen on the constitution in some time. How many things have been discounted when taken to court? The First Amendment guarantees the Freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of the religion. Neither of which did Phil violate. He simply said that according to his belief, homosexuality was wrong. He did not call for violence, or even shunning of people that pursue that lifestyle. 

Now Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam has advocated torture and murder of homosexuals, where is the outcry from the liberal media? Is it because there is a fear of being deemed Islamophobia, or could it be considered racist because he is an Afro-American? I guess my question becomes does the “new improved” constitution only apply to minorities? 

In the comments can someone please tell me what he said that was so wrong? Or better yet how it is more hate filled than what the Nation of Islam proclaims?

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