Sunday, May 26, 2013


Listen to SCR#122


Thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice,

Thank you to Spreecast and The 405 Radio,

Mr. Ja,

Global Warming,

Ward has connection challenges this week,

Beef is up and bridges are down,

No unemployment for junkies in Texas,

No constitutional rights for bloggers,

Rubio on the wrong side of immigration,

Hannity is shaky,

Islamic Jihad in London and Paris,

Democrats would become targets in the future,

Holder perjures himself on camera,

The union IRS smoking gun,

It all came from the top,

Trey Gowdy a superhero,

GI’s undercover in the 80’s,

Sweden catching hell from yutes,

Mecca and Medina,

Mitch McConnell taping tied to White House,

Scandal after scandal after  scandal,

Italy sees the light does not see Islam as religion,

Ward has some opinionson Islamic malfeasonce and there’s a mushroom cloud,

News Ninja 2012 joins the conversation,

Follow the Saudi money,

Huma Abedin a good Jewish wife….not,

Joe half a brain Biden,

Anthony Weiner goes all in



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